Our Adoption Journey

Happy Birthday Ben

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights…James 1:17

Happy Birthday Ben!

Today, you are one year old, and we are so thankful for you.

On this day, one year ago, you came into this world. I wish we knew more and had more to share of that day. We don’t. What we do know is on that same day, 8,000 miles away, we received approval from the Central Adoption Resource Authority to adopt a child from India, and we took one step closer to you.

Three weeks later, on March 15, 2019 you entered the care of your SAA where you have been for the past 11 months. We are so thankful for the way they have cared for you and loved you.

Five months later, on August 2nd, you came into our lives. We saw your name, we saw your picture, we saw you. A few days later, we said yes, and in our hearts, you became our son.

On November 27th, court began to determine what we already knew in our hearts. You were our son. On January 23, 2020. It became official. You were part of our family.

One year, from the day you were born, we are waiting and celebrating. Your room and bed are ready and so are your bothers. I have no doubt that you are loved in India, but you have more love than I can comprehend waiting for you here from family and friends who have linked arms to bring you home and wait with anxious excitement. 

Our hearts ache not to be with you today. We mourn the brokenness and pain that began this process. We wish we had more of your story to share. But, your story is just beginning. We love you. We are thankful to be a part of your story. We can’t wait to meet you and move forward to the next chapter. 

Happy Birthday Ben!

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