Spiritual Steps

Monday Morning Meditation

But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.”Psalms 1:2 

There are few outlets that can keep my attention day or night. Buzzfeed is one. It knows me. It draws me in…with the most ridiculous, random lists. 45 Things from Your 90’s Childhood You Probably Forgot. The 25 Most Loved One-Hit Wonders Ever.  31 Horrendous Pinterest Fails.

When I think about living out this verse, it’s one big Pinterest fail. A mind wandering, dozing off, what am I doing right now fail.

It’s a beautiful picture, waking up and delighting in Gods Word, going to bed meditating on His Law. But what does meditation actually look like? Do I need to wear yoga pants? Should I light some incense? Will I need to invest in a gong?

I love the idea of meditating, it sounds meaningful and important. But what exactly am I supposed to do? I envision sitting on the ground, cross-legged humming until my mind is empty.

The Hebrew word translated as “meditate” actually carries the idea of uttering, muttering, or even roaring. Muttering I can do, even in the morning, before coffee.

Meditation has become an important part of my spiritual walk but in a different way than I would have imagined a few years ago. 

Whether I’m taking a walk, driving to work, showering, or falling asleep, I’ve found I can meditate. Here’s what it looks like for me…taking one phrase, verse or passage and repeating it in my mind focusing on one word at a time. Take the Lord’s Prayer for example.

OUR…God is my God. I belong to Him, and I’m not alone. He’s our God. I have a family in God that spans the entire globe.

Our FATHER…God is my Father. He loves me, He cares for me, He provides for me, He looks after me.

Our Father WHO… Our God is personal. He is a who. I can know Him. I can talk to Him…

The process is simple, allowing one word at a time to roll around in your mind. Simple, but so meaningful. 

I pray this practice makes meditation a more practical part of your spiritual walk. I’d love to hear from you. What other passages would work well with this type of meditation?

6 thoughts on “Monday Morning Meditation”

  1. Enjoyed your post! I liked the definition of meditate. I can mutter at any time of day, so I should be able to do that. Sometimes we think we must have a special place to meditate, but you point out (and I agree) that we can think about God’s word in many situations. I appreciate your example–bringing down the first phrase of our Lord’s Prayer. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, Jonathon! I often personalize verses to bring them into my life, but I never thought of doing this. Such a powerful idea, internalizing God’s truth. My mind swims with verses.

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