Spiritual Steps

Suffer or Serve

Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 5:10

This is the eighth Beatitude. It’s different. 

I can understand the attitude of humility that comes with being poor in spirit. I recognize the need for mourning over sin. Gentleness, mercy and peacemaking are clearly characteristics worth pursuing. We should all be pure in heart with a hunger and thirst for righteousness.

But, blessed are those who have been persecuted? What do we even do with this verse?

It’s a verse that must have meant the world to the early church. It’s a verse our brothers and sisters across the world live out every day.

But for those of us who sit in padded pews or stop by the church coffee shop, what do we do with these words of Jesus?

Do we feel guilty for not enduring the same hardship? Do we seek out situations to suffer for His sake? How does this verse connect with our lives?

It was just a few weeks ago that Hurricane Michael sent many scrambling. Trees fell, houses crumbled, lives were changed for farmers and families. During the first few days of the coverage, the pictures and videos were all the same. Destruction.

But, then the story began to change. Restoration and Rebuilding.

Teams of people from all over the country stepped in to serve, and the stories began to shift. I’m especially proud of how the Christian community steps in during these times of need. 

Some suffer. Some serve.

But, my guess is that the news will shift to something else before all the rebuilding is completed. Coverage always ends before construction.

Maybe, that’s a way to understand this passage.

Some suffer. Some serve.

We have brothers and sisters in the faith who suffer each day for their faith. Some suffer. 

As believers, we have the opportunity to pray, to give, and perhaps even go to be an encouragement to believers born into more difficult circumstances than our own. Some serve.

But, in order to serve, we have to see. The Voice of the Martyrs offers a free app with daily updates on persecuted peoples and countries along with a way to pray.

If we don’t suffer, we serve. Find a way to pray, give or go.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 5:10








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