Spiritual Steps

Now Over Next

I keep a giant 6×3 foot calendar hanging on my office wall. It helps me see an entire year with one glance: birthdays, family trips, camps, mission trips…

I received my 2019 calendar in the mail a few weeks ago and made an immediate and short-sighted decision. In my excitement about the year to come, I replaced my 2018 calendar and begin filling in the dates.

There’s only one problem. We still have 2 months left in 2018.

That’s probably pretty characteristic of my life. I love looking forward to what’s next. I’m probably not alone in this. We all look forward to the next trip, the next vacation, the next party, the next goal.

But, what if in the midst of looking for what’s next, we miss what Jesus is doing now?

There’s a scene in the opening chapters of John, where Jesus is at a wedding and the wine runs out. His mother brings the problem to Jesus, and this is his response…

Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come—John 2:4

While Jesus does step in and save the family from embarrassment, these words still stand out. My hour has not yet come.

Throughout the Gospel story, people try to push Jesus forward. They try to accelerate their plan. They try to gain a following and pursue power, to which Jesus continually responds: Now is not the time.

Jesus knew what was next. But, He also knew His responsibility for each day. He didn’t rush it.

Instead of getting caught up in everything that must happen down the road, what if we took a moment to stop and consider now? What would Jesus have you do today? This hour? Or maybe even this moment?

When we rush from now to next, we may miss what our Master wants to show us in the moment.

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