Our Adoption Journey

Happy Birthday Ben

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights…James 1:17 Happy Birthday Ben! Today, you are one year old, and we are so thankful for you. On this day, one year ago, you came into this world. I wish we knew more and had more to share of that day. We don’t. What we do know is on that same day, 8,000 miles away, we received approval from…

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Our Adoption Journey

Adoption Update #2

It’s been a crazy couple of months since the last post in July. Let me catch you up… From July to September we completed what is called the home study process. It’s called a home study, but everything get’s studied. We gave family histories, took medical tests, made a visit to a psychologist, watched videos, read books, and completed paperwork. The home study had two main purposes. First of all, it is used to assess…

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Our Adoption Journey Uncategorized

Our Adoption Story: Part One

We’re adopting! It’s a journey that’s been years in the making, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to be walking down this road together. Shannon and I knew having biological children might not be a possibility for us, so the seed of adoption was first planted during our dating years.  But, after three years of marriage we were blessed with a beautiful, red-headed boy. God was faithful. After a couple years of parenthood, we decided…

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